Friday, November 25, 2011

All Black Everything... #BlackFridayEdition

In honor of the infamous, busy, hustle and bustle of "Black Friday" I dedicate the completely blacked - shoes of the season. Enjoy.... Oh and Cop away. These are must haves!
New Colorways of the Nike Air Force 1 Duck Boots
Vans Luxury Limited.
Classic Adidas Shell toe

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sweater than ever.... A Must Have This Winter

Dont call it a comeback... they've been here for years. Sweater season is upon us. Thing is, its not easy to do the right way. We're not talking those ugly seasonal holiday sweaters, we're talking extreme sex appeal that create visual stimulation that rivals the act of sex itself, and fly guy swag so fresh you can taste it with your eyes.
Its about the perfect fit and design. Many times trends get ruined by the fact corners get cut. Cut corners on sweaters and you will be the lame of the day. All sweaters arent created equal, all people definitely arent! For women its about the sleek and slender designs over the warmth. Sacrifice! Sexy over purpose. The wrong sweater decision could take away from a beautiful figure, make it a point to be as least bulky as possible. Stick to thinner fabrics and tapered looks around the waist. Sexy over purpose! Horrible i know but, its the "Sweater Sacrifice"

Functionality and Versatility are easily incorporated, Three maybe four really nice sweaters will provide the perfect outfits. So many combination possibilities for whatever Your feeling. I found Ralph Lauren to be perfect this winter and Marc Jacobs has some really outstanding designs for high end designers.

This is for my fly guys. Now that the ladies are out of the way. This is for the guys that truly live life fresh to death. The sweater can be a man's best friend this season. Big jackets are out but, you still need to be warm and stylish over all. Ralph Lauren, Obey, Stussy, and Cremieux are killing Winter with some of the hottest sweaters of the season. Trust me, the ladies will love you in one of these. Salute to the guys with wings. Got yours yet?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Emotionally Rooted: A bandage for the heart, food for the soul...

Poetry is in everything we do and see in life. Every word we speak and every thought we think. It happens in the mind and the heart seperately yet fuses the two as one. This post is in recognition of a fading cultural skill set that has influenced all we know and love. Its the root of the music we love, regardless of genre. The scripts to our favorite movies. The melodies to our favorite commercials and radio ads. It Surrounds us everyday. The reason most of us are here. Yet, we watch it fade, moving further into a life with less substance, and more substances. This brings me to Astria C. Gafford. Survives poetry with true talent and real love and passion for the art form. An unorthodox discovery on twitter, yet talent shines bright in the strangest of places, revealed her talents. Through her poetry she epitomizes exactly what the world should never forget.

MS: What's your name? Do you have a stage name you go by when performing?
--Astria: My name is Astria Capri Gafford....and no I don't have a stage name, don't think I've considered it. I love the uniqueness of my name as it is =)

MS: Definitely a unique name and a very nice one. I believe that using your real name actually allows your audience to feel a little closer. It makes the experience more personal. Its as if getting to know the true artist as if they are taking your hand and showing you their feelings, so that's really cool.

MS: Where did you grow up?
--Astria: Very difficult question to stepdad was in the army, and he's been married to my mom since i was three, so I've been moving around all my life. I've lived in California, Colorado, A few different places in Kentucky, Germany, and now Georgia. My family heritage is grounded in Lafayette, Lousiana though.

MS: Do you think that moving around so much helps with your writing? So many different places and atmospheres to inspire you. Maybe some places were more inspirational than others, would you say?
--Astria: I definitely think that moving around so much influenced my style and inspiration in my writings for the better. I was able to have a broad perspective about different areas and stages on the human experience at every new destination. I was in no way limited as some might be by only one location, one point of view, one world. I wouldn't say that any one place was more inspirational than another though, because each atmosphere has its own unique story to tell and essence to communicate.

MS: So how did you get into poetry? When did you realize you had this gift? How long have you been writing?
--Astria: To be honest, I can't even recall what initially inspired me to write poetry in particular. I'd love to make up this artful story, but I guess I'll keep it real ha. I've always had a gift of writing, as soon as I knew how to do so, but I don't recall the very first time I wrote an actual poem or why. My estimate would be about 7th grade....and well actually, now that I think about it, It might have been about a crush I had on some boy or something haha. I didn't realize that what I wrote had any value to it, until I started actually sharing them with people, which was a very long process. From that first "crush" poem, many others like it came, and the notebook I wrote them in was basically a rhyming diary....of course, I had my first heartbreak soon after, and although I regret it now, I threw out that notebook in anger and frustration...those poems are lost forever =(. However, a little later on I started writing again, and I think it was prompted my an English assignment or something in 8th grade. From then on, I couldn't stop writing. I was writing poems almost every day, but still not showing them to anyone, because they were so personal. But eventually, as most creative souls, I wanted a critique, an assessment, or SOMEthing, so I started experimenting with less personal topics so that I could share them with peers and family. Their reactions were the epitome of full support. They loved everything I wrote, and almost everyone's comments were about how relatable they were. I think they're biased because they care and/or love me though, cause honestly, I've seen so much better work in my opinion, and I feel like what I write isn't so spectacular, but the people around me have always insisted that it's pretty great, so I continue =)

MS: Supportive family and friends are always a big plus to have. They keep you grounded, focused and motivated. From the pieces I've read I'd sum your writing as extremely spectacular, very easy to relate to. Its as if you write them for yourself but, yet for anyone else who may understand what your feeling or experiencing something similar.

MS: Do you have any influences such as poets, music artist, or great speakers that you look up to?
--Astria: My favorite influences are Saul Williams (PLEASE look him up! He's brilliant!) ,Maya Angelou, and my favorite singer, song-writer, and poet, Mrs. Alicia Keys =) I LOVE her, and all her music =)

MS: Where do yo get your inspiration? Or what fuels you to write?
--Astria: Generally, my inspiration for what I write comes from my everyday life experiences and evaluation of the world around me. In a way, everything I write is still like that very first rhyming diary....growing with me. I've written about everything from love, to politics, to family, to jazz, and even poetry itself.

MS: What forms of poetry do you like? And what forms do you feel are your strongest style?
--Astria: I love poetry that RHYMES. lol I'm not so big on the style that doesn't have that comforting rhyme flow to it. I don't think a defined pattern of rhyme is necessary to use through a whole piece, but I like the challenge of making the poem pleasurable to the ears, and fun. And I like to read it as well. =) Fragments, liberal spacing, words that might not exist, whatever...they can all be beautiful, but I like my poetry to rhyme!

MS: Cool. I feel the same way. Poetry has a certain feel and flow when it rhymes.

MS: What do you think about poetry and new generations? Do you think its being carried into the youth? Or is it fading? If so what can be done to preserve it?
--Astria: I feel like people see poetry boxed in....what people write is almost overly weighted and centered on love, and that gets aggravating and old to me. I want poets of our generation to broaden their horizons and write about something fresh and new. I resent how so many people these days feel that life is defined by relationships. In this way, I do see poetry written by some youth (still heavily focused on love and relationships), but I don't see them really committing to their craft. I feel like they write one or two poems a year, and then call themselves a poet. It takes more than that, in my opinion.

MS: So very true. Alot of poems are inspired by that first traumatic experience and some people get caught in believing that, this is what poetry is about. In all honesty, its about the feelings you were able to pour onto the page that allowed you to write that first poem. I agree all poems shouldnt be based ONLY on the gain or loss of someone relationship wise.

MS: What do you feel about poetry in today's society? Do you think the relevance is as strong as it should be? Do you feel its losing some substance such as much of its counterparts ie rap music?
--Astria: I feel like this question related back to my answer in number eight, my answer to this one is similar. I feel like the substance is limited in its subject matter. I can't stress enough how much I'm tired or reading/hearing about love every time I search for new poetry. lol

MS: Do you feel that music has taken a turn for the worse since many artist have left the roots of poetry out of their music, and replaced it with gimics and catchy tunes instead of substance?
--Astria: YES YES YES!!!! Although, there ARE some artists who retain that poetic element in their work, notably Common, and Alicia Keys of course, they are few and far between, and it's very disheartening. Where are the Tupacs? The KRS-Ones?Groups like A Tribe Called Quest? I miss those music styles.

MS: True again. It was a difference in music when poetry was still a big part of it. It said something. Alot of poetry rhymes but, not all rhymes are poetry. The artists you named took you on journeys. They brought you into the song with them. It was almost like taking a walk with them and seeing the things they made music about.

MS: If you could say one thing, to anyone who reads this post, about the art form of poetry, your talents and expectations or hopes of where they lead you, what would it be?
--Astria: I would say that poetry is an art that literally speaks for itself, and it's freedom of form is why I admire it most...i feel it's one of the most beautiful forms of communication second only to music, and should be respected as such. If I could write poetry for a living, I truly believe that would be the closest thing to heaven I could achieve in this world.

Without further delay I give you the talented works of Astria C. Gafford...

“White Arrows” May 2011

Innocence is lost in jungles of misfortune
And distortions
Of what a mother and father have taught
Searching through catalogues with blank pages
Nothing can be bought
To bring you back to where you need to be
To give you the soul you sold away
For a diamond and a dream
Cupid shot white arrows
They couldn’t possibly harm
Taken by surprise when they missed the heart
Piercing the arm
Debilitating, injuring, making you weak,
Rather than finding a calm
In the cradle of what we all seek
But never find
Too busy asking for more
So sure
that we know what’s in store
orat least what’s on sale
onthe shelves that change shape and location
andthe products are always up for interpretation.

“Look in My Soul” March 2011

Lookin my soul,

See what you see
Findall that is me,
Audit abstractions and subtleties
With scrutiny,

Drink in distractions
And refractions
Of light,
Freedom of flight,
From all that isn’t real,
But which we don’t dare call fake—
A title we fear to take—

Look deeper,
Journey further.
Find determination and fervor
Forthis thing you call life,
That which is never black or white
Butthe most vibrant gray,
Ifthat doesn’t makes sense,
Pardon the contradiction…

Pardon the train of thought
That can’t be bought
Butcan be loaned …
Pardon this arbitrary conception,
Simply a convex reflection
Of a soul’s home.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Keep it TIGHT... Sexiest Tights & Leggings

Sexy Sexy! When one of my loyal readers ask me to do this post I was thrilled. She wanted me to do a post on the sexiest tights and leggings for women this season. How could I refuse? Okay lets get this straight, women, tights and leggings or so hot when worn properly. Its been an increasing number of ladies trading in their jeans in the cold months for these form fitting, magical pieces of fabric that grace their bodies oh so perfectly! Thing is, tights & leggings really accentuate beautifully. I dont want to be the one to come off too strong but it has to be said. Ladies you look so sexy in these, they fit so right in the right places. They make every man drool, stop and stare, and create thoughts of incredible desire that would get most men in trouble if women could read minds. P.S by the way men they can. Even though they dont have to, its written all over your faces the moment they walk by. Ok, so enough of the "mind of men", the ladies know what they do. Thing is tights and leggings are comfortable to the ladies. Besides being quite sexy in all the right ways, they are a lot easier create with and alot more reasonably priced. So you take incredible sex appeal, extremely affordable, and extremely comfortable qualities into consideration and my guess is me and every other man will be drooling for a long time.

by So Low


Leo Leggings