Sunday, October 30, 2011

One Big city... Full of Big Parties

The Varsity, 600 Main, The Lyceum, Empire, The Office Bar, Club Theory, The MBar.... I could keep going. This was the most EPIC weekend i can remember being a part of in a long time in the city of Baton Rouge. Thousands of people invaded thw streets of Baton Rouge to celebrate Southern University's homecoming. The city was more alive than ive seen it in years! We got things started Friday night at Club Theory, with Smurf and G of Around the Clock Entertainment. Making our encore from the previous weekend we knew it would be a huge night. They did not disappoint. Club Theory was packed for the big halloween costume party, the dj was hot, the crowd was live and sexy. To that one girl dressed in only caution tape in the right spots, in 40 degree weather, our hats go off to you. If you see this theres a gift certificate to the restaurant of your choice waiting for you, dinner for two on the MS Crew. Congrats to Smurf and G on another Successful night. The party didnt stop there, it was on to The office Bar a few blocks over. The place was filled with some of the most unique costumes ive ever seen. I swear Halloween is just a day women have an excuse to dress even sexier than they already are. From lingerie models to girl dressed in only paint from head to toe, The Office Bar had it all. Truly shows tge dedication of sex appeal when a women wears paint in freezing temperatures...

...Continuing to Saturday where you could barely find parking anywhere downtown and where the costumes just got even skimpier and the temperature continued to drop, somehow the sex appeal and anticipation continued to rise! This was the hottest night of all 600 Main was in full effect. The YSE crew put together a really live event. From wall to wall were beautiful ladies, sexy and interesting costumes, and peach Ciroc flowing like a waterfall over rocks of ice. The place was to absolute capacity and people just kept coming. I hated to leave when i did but, we had to make it across town for another event on the Recap list. That Event was the Varsity Theater. The Varsity had been a staple in this city for quite a long time. It definitely did not disappoint last night. The costumes were everywhere. Some of the best we'd seen in the city over the weekend. The crowd was great and the atmosphere was electric.

The night was far from over one stop was left on the Recap list for this special homecoming edition. The homie Vic Smith had much built anticipation after announcing the opening of his new place Club Empire. The city was buzzing since he revealed the "Secret Location" Earlier in the week via twitter. If you didnt get the opportunity to check it out this weekend. Be sure you make it over there for Paranormal Activity 3 Tmrw night. Yes its true, There is an abundance of alcohol, and yes the ac blows cold as ice. Such a comfortable atmosphere plush, lavish Vip sections, this place is sure to be one of Baton Rouge's premier party spots...

That puts a wrap on this weeks Weekend Recap.To everyone who made this post, keep doing your thing. We're watching! ALL Hail Baton Rouge. We love you. Until next time... You never know whete we'll be.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

"The Weekend Recap" Unbelievable....

This weekend was unbelievable. Period. First off, Alcohol should be consumed responsibly. Know your limit! If you dont know your limit, bring soneone with you who does... but we'll get back to that later. The MS crew took to the streets with the intentions and promises of bringing you the best places to enjoy your weekend no matter where you are. Of course the hometown gets it first. Baton Rouge, LA Stand up! Ok, maybe just a little strong there. However, the city had much to offer. Friday night was incredible at the city's newest night club, Club Theory. Beautifully decorated and an atmosphere that would please a "Boss" or "King" anyday, kicked off the weekend with 5 Star Fridays, in which they actually packed the place with stars! Sometimes flyers will state this person will be there and you end up waiting around all night for this one C-list star that never shows up! Not with 5 Star Fridays. If they say it, they will come. The MS team had an absolute blast. For that we shout out Around the Clock Ent. Check them out the next Friday you are in Baton Rouge.

After some much needed sleep, food, and rehydration, the crew was back at it. Saturday night is always a huge night in most cities but, in Baton Rouge Saturday night means The Office Bar downtown Baton Rouge. The scenery, the music, the people, and of course the drinks are all A+. VIP section $900.00 to start the night off, A few bottles of Rosea, a few more of Ciroc, vases of pineapple and cranberry all centered beneath a $300,000.00 chandelier, and surrounded by some of the most beaitiful people the city has to offer is how this night went... Until that one girl! Super cute, highly attractive, and just way to drunk and into the team. First off ladies, a guy doesnt find it attractive when your too interested. You just look desperate. Secondly, control your alcohol. Because its free and we have alot of it doesnt mean drown yourself in it. Needless to say, you know how this ends up. This female has one too many and not only falls asleep in our VIP but, awakes and vomits all over herself and us. She ruined not one, not two but FOUR pairs of shoes. Thank you sweetie! That put a cap on the weekend as you can imagine for us. Believe it or not she still found the courage to try and go home with one of the MS family. Lets just say that was the thirstiest moment ive seen in life! She was denied! We dont do sloppy, desperate, thirsty, drunk, vomit girls. Kick Rocks! The end... Next week we're back at it again. Maybe in your city! Deuces
ClubTheory Friday Oct. 21st @AroundtheClocke on twitter
Club Theory was nuts "5Star Fridays"

The Office Baton Rouge

Model of The Week Coming Soon...

A new weekly post is coming to MonetarySatisfactory.blogspot. The Model of the week. Every Monday we will be paying tribute to established as well as up amd coming models. Both male and female models will have the opportunity to have the spotlight shined on their hard work, desires and dreams for an entire week for the world to see. What better way to promo your talent than with a complete bio, photo spread, and crown as the "Model of the week". Simply contact us @ send a brief bio, photo, and if chosen as "Model of the Week" you'll be contacted via email, interviewed and blog posted right here on MonetarySatisfactory.blogspot. Good luck, first posting Oct. 31st So get those emails in NOW!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Weird? Kinda, Different... Definitely, Sexy! Period

If this were a one word post it would simply state SEXY and be done the shoes speak for themselves. Undeniably different and unbelievably sexy means only one name Christian Louboutin. The covenanted "Red Bottom" speaks in volumes loud enough to deafened the eyes of every long legged, soft skinned competitor in the room. Covered in the art work of a kindergarten art class and graced with that trademark red sole brings this latest effort from the designer directly to the forefront of the new fall collection. Dont be afraid of different. Dare to be different. This shoe says that "I am going to force my style, my ideas, and my fierce sex appeal down the throats and into the eyeballs of every one to set eyes on me. SEXY PERIOD.
You're Welcome... You're all Welcome!