Sunday, October 23, 2011

"The Weekend Recap" Unbelievable....

This weekend was unbelievable. Period. First off, Alcohol should be consumed responsibly. Know your limit! If you dont know your limit, bring soneone with you who does... but we'll get back to that later. The MS crew took to the streets with the intentions and promises of bringing you the best places to enjoy your weekend no matter where you are. Of course the hometown gets it first. Baton Rouge, LA Stand up! Ok, maybe just a little strong there. However, the city had much to offer. Friday night was incredible at the city's newest night club, Club Theory. Beautifully decorated and an atmosphere that would please a "Boss" or "King" anyday, kicked off the weekend with 5 Star Fridays, in which they actually packed the place with stars! Sometimes flyers will state this person will be there and you end up waiting around all night for this one C-list star that never shows up! Not with 5 Star Fridays. If they say it, they will come. The MS team had an absolute blast. For that we shout out Around the Clock Ent. Check them out the next Friday you are in Baton Rouge.

After some much needed sleep, food, and rehydration, the crew was back at it. Saturday night is always a huge night in most cities but, in Baton Rouge Saturday night means The Office Bar downtown Baton Rouge. The scenery, the music, the people, and of course the drinks are all A+. VIP section $900.00 to start the night off, A few bottles of Rosea, a few more of Ciroc, vases of pineapple and cranberry all centered beneath a $300,000.00 chandelier, and surrounded by some of the most beaitiful people the city has to offer is how this night went... Until that one girl! Super cute, highly attractive, and just way to drunk and into the team. First off ladies, a guy doesnt find it attractive when your too interested. You just look desperate. Secondly, control your alcohol. Because its free and we have alot of it doesnt mean drown yourself in it. Needless to say, you know how this ends up. This female has one too many and not only falls asleep in our VIP but, awakes and vomits all over herself and us. She ruined not one, not two but FOUR pairs of shoes. Thank you sweetie! That put a cap on the weekend as you can imagine for us. Believe it or not she still found the courage to try and go home with one of the MS family. Lets just say that was the thirstiest moment ive seen in life! She was denied! We dont do sloppy, desperate, thirsty, drunk, vomit girls. Kick Rocks! The end... Next week we're back at it again. Maybe in your city! Deuces
ClubTheory Friday Oct. 21st @AroundtheClocke on twitter
Club Theory was nuts "5Star Fridays"

The Office Baton Rouge

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